Chinese New Year fading…Onwards into 2021

Yes, Christmas and New Year have slipped by. Me, Kaia and Jody had a great New Year. Drinking and eating every day. This year my Saturday job basically sacked off the whole of Feb and Kid Castle gave us holidays either side of the New Year. This resulted in ten days off. Highlight of the holiday was The Taxas Roadhouse steak house, link :

Ace food and atmos. A little pricey, but good portions. Packed, despite the pandemic. In fact most places are still busy despite Covid raging all over the planet. Taiwan is well documented to have avoided the major brunt of the whole thing…but, I never blog or write about it….It seems to tempt fate somewhat. Anyway, the government works hard, as do most of the people here, to keep it at bay.

Reading : Just finished the City of Ember series and I am rereading Club Dumas. A novel that got me reading again. Gripping, atmospheric, and it makes you want to grab a drink during the afternoon….I used to tour the cafes of Nottingham, book in hand, glass of bourbon in the other whilst reading this gem.

Hobbies : Obsessed with Leeds still and this season has been wonderous. I won’t go into it too much. Suffice to say I have watched every game enthralled and nervous in equal measure. We play Wolves at 4am and I am already plotting a way to watch it without ruining our day the next day with tiredness.

Music : Still loving Spotify. Ambient music being the current choice.

Food and Drink : Super Dry is still my beer of choice, although Yebisu has made it to Taiwan now. Oolong tea in the mornings to cope with my intermittent fasting hunger pangs.

Fun : This weekend mem Jody and Kaia will have one night in Dansui at the Golden Tulip hotel :

We got discount and it looks amazing. Hope the weather holds out.

Games : Playing the Witcher III on and off after 6 years but in all, not been on much recently, in fact not even resubscribed to Plus. Ps5 on the backburner?…..I don’t need one yet.

TV : Blacklist still a regular watch. Still great. Watch some crime stuff on Netflix. Still watch a lot of GFRED on Youtube despite not playing GTA for ages.

Exercise : Bike to school 5 days a week.

Diet : Still intermittent fasting until weekend, or a holiday gets in the way.

~ by richardpmurfin on February 19, 2021.

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